Year Four 2023 - 2024

Hello and Welcome!

Welcome to Year 4 and welcome back to school.  I am very excited about the New Year ahead and I’m looking forward to us having a happy, productive and fun school year. 

I hope you have had a fantastic summer!

Science Topic.

This terms science topic is called ‘Animals including Humans’.  The class will identify that animals, including humans, need the right types and amount of nutrition, and that they cannot make their own food; they get nutrition from what they eat.  The children will also identify that humans and some other animals have skeletons and muscles for support, protection and movement.  Working scientifically children will be asking relevant questions and using different types of scientific enquiries to answer them furthermore setting up simple practical enquiries, comparative and fair tests.

Class Topic.

History - Black History

Within History the children will study African culture in our community and be able to explain how an event from the past has shaped our life today.

Geography - Locational knowledge

This term the children will study Environmental regions around the world they will make links to the natural environments of gorillas and other apes also being able to locate where Gorillas and apes live.  The class will Study topographical features of these areas. The children will also recap and be able to locate the seven continents of the world.  Within these continents the class will study the worlds biomes and climate regions.

Reminders and practical information.

Pupils will receive homework for Maths and Literacy once a week, as well as their individual reading books. Your child will receive an Oxford reading tree book and an accelerated reader book.  Your child will be able to take an online test about their accelerated book at home or in school.  The children have their logins.  Please could parents continue with their good work listening to their children read and asking questions to check their understanding. At the end of Year 4 there will be a times tables test that is set by the Department of Education.  The test will be online and there are 25 questions from the 2 to 12 times tables.  Your child will have 6 seconds to answer each question.  It is vital for your child to practice times their times tables at home.  We will also be doing lots of practice in school.  The test will be held in school.


Swimming takes place on a Thursday afternoon at the Aquatic Centre on Oxford Road.  Please can you ensure your child has the correct swimming kit and provide a towel.  Transport to and from the pool is provided.  A letter has been emailed to you giving detailed requirements regarding kit.

Steel Pans.

Mr Yankey will be in school to teach the children steel pans on a Thursday.  The class will be split into three and each small group will get one term of steel pan tuition.


P.E will be on a Friday morning and is led by Manchester City. Every child will participate and they are expected to have the correct P.E kit in school. This is a white t shirt, black shorts / leggings and P.E pumps.  Can children come into school wearing their P.E kits instead of their uniforms.

If there are any questions you would like answered please feel free to ask either one of us before or after school or alternatively make an appointment at the office. 

Many thanks for all your support,

Mr Keegan

Year 4 teacher.



Useful Websites

These websites will help us with our work throughout the year.


Files to Download

Year Four: News items

Newsletter May 2024, by Mr Regan

Newsletter Feb 2024, by Mr Regan

Year Four: Blog items

There are no blog items to display

Contact Us

Holy Name RC Primary School

Denmark Road, Moss Side, Manchester, M15 6JS

T: 01612266303


Head of School: Damian Regan
Executive Headteacher: Catherine Gordon

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