Children's Mission Statement
At Holy Name our Mission is for our school to be a warm WELCOMING place to learn, where Jesus is next to us in everything we do. We will always remain a perfect, caring, loving and happy family, looking after the WELFARE of us all, as one community. Our school is a joyful, peaceful and supportive place, where we talk about and pray together the WORD of God, through WORSHIP.
Jesus created our school and we will respect each person, forgiving one another for our mistakes and learning from them. We will show understanding to other people around us, being responsible for all our actions.
At Holy Name, Jesus is at the heart of everything we do. We are all part of God’s family where we share assemblies and prayers daily. Jesus is our living spirit and we are WITNESSES of his example of fairness, friendship and real love.
Our Wealth is measured by our faith.
By the Children of Year 5 and Year 6